Segment your feedback data with multiple choice questions

As a CloseAlert user, you've probably at least once made use of a multiple choice question within your feedback form already. Now that we've released a new functionality that enables you to give your respondents the possibility to leave multiple answers to one question, I decided to devote a blogpost to this interesting question type. It's a familiar question type, answers are generally intuitive and data is already segregated which makes it rather easy to analyse. Read on for two easy-to-apply multiple choice examples, with both single and multiple answer options.

Single answer option

A case in which I think a multiple choice with a single answer option can be of great value for your company, is an addition to our common email satisfaction use case.

There are a bunch of companies working with CloseAlert which have a rather large customer base. I've noticed that the amount of incoming feedback on transactional mailings (sometimes hundreds of sends a day) can, from time to time, be overwhelming. Every feedback message is unique and useful, but how can you make sure that your company follows up on all individual messages in the most effective and time efficient way? This is where the multiple choice question can come in handy.

If you've been working with CloseAlert for a fair amount of time, you can probably by now categorize the type of responses you receive to your question why the respondent likes or dislikes your email. Now, instead of asking an open comment question, give your customers the possibility to choose from four options (the categories you've created). Don't forget to always add an "other" option too, since there will always be responses you can't take into account at firsthand. This is how a question like that could look like:

Up next

When a respondent selects C or D, they probably want to be followed up on as they are facing a problem or they have a complaint. You can make sure this message will be sent to the customer care department immediately by setting a follow-up trigger on these two answer options.

As an email marketer, you're probably more concerned about A and B, as this shows someone's opinion about the email you've created. Analysing these results will take less time now, since every message within these two categories is relevant for you. Do regularly check upon respondents who leave an "other" response; this can give you interesting new insights!

Multiple answers possible

So, since last week, you have the possibility in CloseAlert to ask multiple choice questions and enable respondents to select multiple answers. Let's show you an example of how this could contribute to your feedback form.

With CloseAlert, you can send a relational NPS, for example on a quarterly or yearly basis. Once a respondent has showed how likely he or she is to recommend your company, you most likely want to know why, in order to give the feedback more context and make it more actionable.

Think about asking your promotors why they are very likely to recommend you with a MC question. The respondents might have several reasons why they are that enthusiastic about your company, so give them the possibility to show you!

A NPS for a travel company could look like the following:

Again, adding an "other" option should not be forgotten. You might find out more reasons why customers love your company and you don't want to miss out on that!

If you have any more questions about how to use multiple choice questions, check out our helpcenter or contact your Customer Success Manager.